CSOs or Civil Society Organization (e.g. Green Club, LIC, KPBB, SC) supported Local Government of Greater Jakarta to conduct monthly Car Free Day o
n Sunday, 25 May 2008. Similar events have been conducted monthly since September 2007. In relation with air quality recovery effort and regarding to Local Act No 2/2005 toward Air Pollution Control, it is mandated to Local Government of Greater Jakarta to conduct monthly car free day. Refer to AAQM data, trend “Jakarta good air” in 2001 – 2005 are bellow 27 days p.a. with dominant parameter PM10.

The Local Act on Air Pollution Control was issued responding through participatory process such as public consultation, dialog, hearing, town meeting, etc. that involved public from various stake holder to formulate legal drafting. The Local Act regulates the mandatory to be done by people and stake holder in the Greater Jakarta to reduce air pollution that are cover fuels improvement program, promoting of cleaner vehicle technology, better traffic management, and stringent emission standard as well as act the law enforcement. The Local Act also regulates incentive and disincentive as well as rewards and penalties to stimulate the effectiveness of emissions reduction effort. Beside CFD, the Local Act also mandates to implement the programme on using of gases fuels for public transport, promoting bio-fuels, promoting Euro 2 Standard of car, complete BRT corridor, add city train series, road network system, town reboization, promoting flexible hours, promoting of no-smoking areas, decentralized (self financing system) periodic inspection for in-used vehicle, and public awareness programme.
Refer to the AAQM (Ambient Air Quality Monitoring) that were conducted on Car-free Day event compare to monitoring result 7 days before and 7 days after the event, presenting the reduction of air pollution (see the table)
History and Next Step Jakarta Car-free Day
Since 2002, CFD was initiated and conducted annually by CSOs regarding to recover
air quality in certain area in the city, while conducting public awareness to reduce the using of motor vehicle by promoting non motorized mobility, and mass public transport. Then, while CSOs were promoting and assisting to draft the air pollution act (finally as Local Act No 2/2005 toward Air Pollution Control), they inserted CFD in the Local Act as a mandatory that must be implemented by Local Government of the Greater Jakarta.
Today, we are developing the grand strategy on integrated CFD for 5 mayor cities in the Greater Jakarta and have being started to implement part of it gradually, with the target next 3 - 5 years it could be implemented at the same time in 5 mayors cities. Ppt

Today, we are developing the grand strategy on integrated CFD for 5 mayor cities in the Greater Jakarta and have being started to implement part of it gradually, with the target next 3 - 5 years it could be implemented at the same time in 5 mayors cities. Ppt