Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009

Car-free Day: Air Pollution Control

CSOs or Civil Society Organization (e.g. Green Club, LIC, KPBB, SC) supported Local Government of Greater Jakarta to conduct monthly Car Free Day on Sunday, 25 May 2008. Similar events have been conducted monthly since September 2007. In relation with air quality recovery effort and regarding to Local Act No 2/2005 toward Air Pollution Control, it is mandated to Local Government of Greater Jakarta to conduct monthly car free day. Refer to AAQM data, trend “Jakarta good air” in 2001 – 2005 are bellow 27 days p.a. with dominant parameter PM10.

The Local Act on Air Pollution Control was issued responding through participatory process such as public consultation, dialog, hearing, town meeting, etc. that involved public from various stake holder to formulate legal drafting. The Local Act regulates the mandatory to be done by people and stake holder in the Greater Jakarta to reduce air pollution that are cover fuels improvement program, promoting of cleaner vehicle technology, better traffic management, and stringent emission standard as well as act the law enforcement. The Local Act also regulates incentive and disincentive as well as rewards and penalties to stimulate the effectiveness of emissions reduction effort. Beside CFD, the Local Act also mandates to implement the programme on using of gases fuels for public transport, promoting bio-fuels, promoting Euro 2 Standard of car, complete BRT corridor, add city train series, road network system, town reboization, promoting flexible hours, promoting of no-smoking areas, decentralized (self financing system) periodic inspection for in-used vehicle, and public awareness programme.

Refer to the AAQM (Ambient Air Quality Monitoring) that were conducted on Car-free Day event compare to monitoring result 7 days before and 7 days after the event, presenting the reduction of air pollution (see the table)

History and Next Step Jakarta Car-free Day

Since 2002, CFD was initiated and conducted annually by CSOs regarding to recover air quality in certain area in the city, while conducting public awareness to reduce the using of motor vehicle by promoting non motorized mobility, and mass public transport. Then, while CSOs were promoting and assisting to draft the air pollution act (finally as Local Act No 2/2005 toward Air Pollution Control), they inserted CFD in the Local Act as a mandatory that must be implemented by Local Government of the Greater Jakarta.
Today, we are developing the grand strategy on integrated CFD for 5 mayor cities in the Greater Jakarta and have being started to implement part of it gradually, with the target next 3 - 5 years it could be implemented at the same time in 5 mayors cities. Ppt

Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

Air Pollution and The Role of Auto-Industry

Pencemaran Udara dan Peran Industri Otomotif
Air Pollution and The Role of Auto-Industry

Sebuah fakta, bahwa pencemaran udara telah mengancam kesehatan masyarakat di berbagai kota di Indonesia, khususnya kota-kota besar seperti Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Bandung dan Semarang. Dalam kurun 5 tahun semenjak 2001, di antara kelima kota hanya Semarang dan Bandung yang memiliki udara baik lebih dari sebulan dalam setahunnya. Selebihnya hanya menikmati udara baik kurang dari 27 hari setahunnya. Demikian halnya dengan parameter pencemar di kota-kota tersebut, umumnya telah melampaui standar kualitas udara yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah, terutama parameter nitrogen oksida, sulfur oksida, partikel debu, dan karbonmonoksida. Tentu saja hal ini menyebabkan berbagai sakit atau penyakit yang diderita oleh masyarakat terutama sakit atau penyakit pernafasan, hipertensi, gangguan fungsi ginjal, penurunan daya intelektual anak, jantung koroner, hingga kematian dini.

Merujuk pada berbagai studi dan penelitian sepuluh tahun terakhir seperti URBAIR (World Bank), RETA (ADB), dan juga yang dilakukan oleh JICA menunjukkan bahwa sumber utama pencemaran adalah kendaraan bermotor. Setidaknya sekitar 70% pencemaran udara perkotaan akibat dari paparan emisi kendaraan bermotor. Sehingga menjadi kewajaran manakala strategi penurunan pencemaran udara ini lebih diprioritaskan pada upaya penurunan emisi kendaraan bermotor yang antara lain melalui peningkatan kualitas bahan bakar, memperkenalkan kendaraan rendah emisi, memperbaiki traffic and tranport management, pengetatan standar emisi dan penegakkan hukum. Kelima aspek inilah yang hendaknya dilakukan secara terpadu dan simultan serta berkelanjutan sehingga dari masing-masing aspek akan menjadi prasarat bagi penerapan aspek lainnya.

Dalam konteks memperkenalkan kendaraan bermotor yang rendah emisi, sejak 1958 UN ECE memprakarsai Global Harmonization on Transport Regulation dengan tujuan mendorong produksi kendaraan yang memberikan jaminan keselamatan dan ramah lingkungan. Sekalipun awalnya global harmonization tersebut hanya diperuntukkan bagi produsen kendaraan di Eropa, namun saat ini produsen-produsen otomotif dunia telah mengembangkan kendaraan dengan standar tersebut sehingga praktis sejak 1998, Eropa, Amerika, Jepang, dan negara-negara Asia Pasifik telah mengadopsi Standar Euro untuk mengukur ramah-tidaknya emisi sebuah mobil dan jaminan keselamatan terhadap penumpang.
Standar Euro terdiri atas beberapa peringkat, yaitu Euro 1, Euro 2, Euro 3, dan Euro 4. Semakin tinggi angka di belakang kata Euro berarti kendaraan itu semakin oke, lebih memberikan jaminan keselamatan dan semakin rendah emisi.
Pemerintah Indonesia merintis untuk masuk standar Euro 1 pada 1998. Pemerintah berupaya membangun kesepakatan dengan industri otomotif. Tapi, kesepakatan itu baru tercapai pada 2003 dan langsung menyepakati penerapan standar Euro 2. Standar ini sudah wajib dipakai pada 1 Januari 2005 (Surat Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Nomor 141/2003).
Namun sayangnya tidak semua produsen kendaraan yang direpresentasikan oleh agen tunggal pemegang merek (ATPM) siap dengan Keputusan Menteri di atas, sehingga tarik ulur terhadap kebijakan yang sangat bermanfaat bagi peningkatan kualitas udara tersebut terus berlangsung. Pertama, tarik ulur dalam pembuatan kesepakatan sejak 1998 yang bermuara pada penerbitan Keputusan Menteri di atas. Kedua, upaya mengulur implementasi kebijakan tersebut dari 2005 ke 2007, terutama dimotori oleh produsen yang tidak siap masuk ke standar Euro 2 ini. Dan yang ketiga, sekalipun sejak mamasuki 2007 desain utama produk mereka telah sesuai Standar Euro 2 tetapi beberapa komponen belum diimplementasikan secara menyeluruh.

Kenyataannya kegagalan Pertamina, Shell dan Petronas dalam menyediakan bahan bakar yang baik (bensin rendah aromat dan olefin; solar rendah belerang) menyebabkan industri otomotif tergagap menjadwalkan investasi untuk pengembangan teknologi yang lebih mutakhir. Mesin Standar Euro tinggi memang menuntut bahan bakar yang lebih bersih. Sekalipun produk otomotif kita sudah berstandar Euro 2 tetapi beberapa komponennya tidak dipasang (seperti catalytic converter dan diesel particulate filter), sehingga tidak mampu memenuhi kriteria Euro 2 dalam menurunkan emisi. Walhasil, produk kendaraan dengan standar yang tak jelas demikian ini hanya laku dijual untuk segmen pasar di dalam negeri.
Padahal, industri otomotif Thailand telah mengadopsi Euro 1 sejak 1996 dan Euro 2 pada 2001 serta Euro 4 pada 2004. Malaysia juga tak mau ketinggalan, menerapkan Euro 1 pada 1997 dan Euro 2 pada 2000. Sementara Vietnam dan Laos masing-masing telah masuk pada Euro 1 pada 1998 dan 2000. Akibatnya, peluang dan pangsa pasar industri otomotif nasional di Asia Tenggara menjadi sangat sempit, karena pasar otomotif negara tetangga jauh lebih maju.
Hal ini tidak saja berdampak pada kegagalan dalam penurunan pencemaran udara perkotaan tetapi juga menyebabkan penurunan competitive advantage yang merugikan perekonomian Indonesia. Pada tataran produsen kendaraan di negara prinsipal terutama Jepang (yang menguasai 90% pangsa pasar otomotif di Indonesia), tentu ini menjadi high cost ketika tidak dapat memusatkan produksinya di negara yang menjadi pasar terbesarnya di Asia Tenggara. Penutupan pabrik Mitsubishi di Indonesia pada April 2005 dan peningkatan produksi mereka di Thailand telah berdampak terjadinya high cost tersebut. Juga penurunan total penjualan produk otomotif (roda empat) menjadi di bawah 400 ribu unit pada tahun 2006, jauh di bawah tahun sebelumnya yang mencapai 500 ribu unit, adalah bukti nyata dampak kegagapan industri otomotif dalam mengadopsi Standar Euro 2.
Memang diakui bahwa keengganan produsen bahan bakar dalam meningkatkan kualitas produknya adalah bagian dari kesalahan kebijakan energi dan kecerobohan strategi pengembangan industri pemerintah, yang mengganggu iklim investasi advance technology dari otomotif kita. Namun, di sisi lain, keengganan produsen otomotif untuk sungguh-sungguh menerapkan Standar Euro 2 telah menjadi bumerang yang memasung pasar mereka, baik pasar domestik maupun eksport; selain dampak meningkatnya beban high cost akibat buruknya strategi investasi advance technology ini bagi produsen berlabel multinational company di negara prinsipal mereka.

Kini, secara kasatmata, berbagai kendaraan berteknologi maju dan ramah lingkungan tampak lalu-lalang di jalan raya kota-kota besar di Indonesia, tapi hampir semuanya adalah produk impor.

Seyogyanya, industri otomotif segera mengoreksi kebijakan advance technology mereka melalui koordinasi dengan prinsipal mereka di negara asalnya terutama Jepang, sehingga upaya mengadopsi Euro 2 dapat diterapkan secara konsisten. Di sisi lain, Pemerintah Indonesia segera memastikan atas ketersediaan bahan bakar bersih di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Sementara itu, Pemerintah Jepang pun hendaknya segera mengambil langkah-langkah yang mampu mendorong kebijakan industri otomotif di negaranya agar konkruen dengan agen tunggal pemegang merek mereka yang ada di Indonesia. Dengan demikian, otomotif berstadar Euro 2 dapat diadopsi dengan baik dan social costs akibat polusi udara akan berkurang serta industri otomotif bisa lebih kompetitif.

Jakarta, Agustus 2007

English version
A fact says that air pollution has threatened human health in various cities in Indonesia, especially big cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Bandung and Semarang. Within 5 years as of 2001, only Semarang and Bandung had good air more than a month annually amongst the above five cities, the rest enjoy good air less than 27 days annually. The parameter of pollutant in the said cities has generally exceeded standard air quality stipulated by government, especially parameter of nitrogen-oxide, particulate matter, oxidant, and carbon-monoxide. Of course, such condition has caused various illnesses and dieses suffered by public especially respiratory, hypertension, kidney dysfunction, intellectual decrement for children, coronary heart until earlier death.

Referring to various studies and researches within the last ten years such as URBAIR (World Bank), RETA (ADB), and JICA showed that main source of pollution was motor vehicles and at least around 70% of urban air pollution as a result of vehicular emissions exposure. So that it is reasonable if strategy to decrease air pollution is prioritized to endeavor to reduce vehicular emissions such as through improvement of fuel quality, introduce low emission vehicle, revise traffic management, regulate stringent emission standard, and enforce law strictly. These five aspects should conduct by integration, simultaneously, and sustainability, so that each aspect will become precondition for the application of other aspects.

In context of introducing low emissions vehicle, since 1958 UN ECE has initiated Global Harmonization on Transport Regulation intended to support vehicle production in Europe giving safety guarantee and environment friendly. Today world automotive manufacturers have developed vehicle with the standard so that since 1998, Europe, America, Japan and countries of Asia Pacific have adopted Standard Euro to measure whether or not the emission is friendly for environment and safety guarantee for passengers.

Euro Standard consists of several rating, namely Euro 1, Euro 2, Euro 3, and Euro 4, the higher figure behind the word of Euro meaning that the vehicle is better, and it can give more guarantees of safety with lower emission.

Indonesian government has discussed to follow standard Euro 1 since 1998. The Government has endeavored to establish agreement with automotive industries. But, the agreement was just achieved in 2003 and directly agreed to apply standard Euro 2. This standard must have been used in January 1, 2005 (Decree of Minister of Environmental Number 141/2003).

But, unfortunately, not all car manufacturer already represented by sole agent (ATPM) is prepared to follow the Ministerial Decree, thereby dragging their feet against the beneficial policy to improvement of the air quality keeps on lasting. One, dragging their feet in making agreement since 1998 sourcing in the issuance of the said Decree. Two, the effort to postpone the implementation from 2005 to 2007, especially driven by producer unprepared to follow standard Euro 2. And three even though since 2007, their main product designs have been in accordance with Standard Euro 2, but some components are not yet implemented as a whole.

In fact, failure of Pertamina, Shell and Petronas in providing good fuel (cleaner gasoline and low sulfur diesel fuel) causes automotive industry nervous to schedule investment for development of sophisticated technology. Vehicle of highly technology Standard Euro needs cleaner fuel. Even though our automotive products have standard Euro 2, but unavailability cleaner fuels make some components are not able to install (such as catalytic converter and diesel particulate filter), so that it is unable to fulfill criteria Euro 2 in reducing emissions. Actually, these unclear standard vehicle products are only sold for domestic market.

Whereas, Thailand automotive industry has adopted Euro 1 since 1996, Euro 2 since 2001, and Euro 3 since 2004. Malaysia has applied Euro 1 since 1997, Euro 2 2000. Meanwhile, Vietnam and Laos have followed standard Euro 1 in 1998 and 2000. Consequently, opportunity and market share of national automotive industry in South-East Asia is not wide anymore, as neighboring country in automotive technology is much more advance.

This not only impacts on the failure to decrease urban air pollution, but also competitive advantage suffering a loss to Indonesian economy. In the level of car manufacturer in principal country especially Japan (dominating 90% of automotive market share in this country), of course it becomes high cost when it cannot centralize its production in the country being the largest market in the sub region of South-East Asia. Closing of Mitsubishi plant in Indonesia in April 2005 and increasing of their production in Thailand had caused high cost. Also, decrease of total selling (car) to bellow 400 thousands units in 2006, that it is very different compared to the previous year reaching more than 500 thousands units and it proves a fact concerning the impact on nervousness of automotive industry in adopting Standard Euro 2.

Indeed, it is admitted that unwillingness of fuel producers in improving the product quality is a part of mistake in providing energy policy and carelessness government strategy to develop industry, hampering investment climate of advance technology from our automotive. But, on the other hand, unwillingness of automotive producers to really apply Standard Euro 2 has hit as a boomerang encircling their market, both domestic and export markets; in addition to the impact of improved high cost charge due to this bad strategy of advance technology investment of the multi-national company in their principal country.

Today, visually, various advance technology vehicles and friendly environment appear passing over and over again on the highway of big cities in Indonesia but all are nearly import products.

Automotive industry should immediately revise their policy on advance technology through coordination with their principal in the country of origin especially Japan, so that effort to adopt Euro 2 can be consistently applied. On the other hand, Indonesian Government ensures immediately the availability of cleaner fuel throughout Indonesia. Meanwhile, Japan Government should promptly take any measures able to encourage automotive industry policy in its country that it is congruent with their sole agent available in Indonesia. Thus, automotive relying on Euro 2 can be properly adopted and social costs due to air pollution will decrease and automotive industry could be more competitive. (English version was published in The Jakarta Post, 24 August 2007).
Jakarta, Augusts 2007